After a complete and utter desire to not do anything school related... I started messing with Maggie's Visor Deluxe. She stopped regularly using it about a year ago, when the batteries ran out and she never got around to getting new ones. But since she had a set of 2 AAA NiMh batteries laying around, I decided to charge them up and bring the beast back to life. After being without power for so long, the Visor was completely blank. Fortunately everything seemed to still be in working order. Because I reformatted her computer recently (spyware, adware, etc..) and didn't think to backup her PIM info, all the data that used to be on her PDA is completely gone. But since she stopped using it so long ago, it's not a huge loss. Getting it set up on her Dell was simple enough, download Palm Desktop from palm (for some reason Palm insists that only the older version 4.1.something could work with her Visor), and away we went.
After a short while I remembered that the cradle for the Visor was USB, which means that physically it was possible to connect it to her Powerbook. I set to work trying to get it working with iSync. This was a little more complicated than setting it up on her PC, but still very simple. Download Palm Desktop for Mac, install, configure HotSync Manager to sync her Visor through iSync, go into iSync, add her Visor as a device and voila it worked. Her Visor now contains all the info that's in Maggie's Address Book and iCal. Hopefully she'll use both the programs more extensively, that way they'd be of use to her.
Next project... trying to get my Palm V to talk to my Powerbook (serial to usb adaptor?)
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