Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Money making

Spent the majority of the night making glyphs to sell. Waash makes them and Huntry sells them. Yes, they've both taken time off from adventuring to run a glyph business. While at the rate I go I'll never hit the gold cap, inscription will usually make enough to cover the toons repair, gem, enchant and crafting costs.

Brain-dead Strategy

The best way, at least for me, to make money is do to a lot of little things. This can be taken to the extreme where you have 10,000 auctions all trying to make 2-3g each. I prefer a bit sainer approach. I tend to just cherry pick the 2-3 different fields that will make me money. I do have a high level Tailor, Scribe, Miner, Alchemist and Jewelcrafter so if you don't have these, this may be more difficult.

Disclamer: While I do dabble in playing the AH, I'm not very serious at it. I make enough to have a healthy reserve, in case I want to buy something. This is what I personally do, and they don't make huge amounts of gold, but they make enough for my needs.If you want to get serious with playing the AH you'd be better served going to a dedicated gold-making blog. I'll have links at the bottom.
Make Glyphs. Use an addon such as QA2, find which glyphs are selling for quite a bit and create those. Sell a few at a time. I tend to cherry pick the ones that are selling for 20-30g, and just make those. You will get undercut so expect to be able to sell 5-10 at a time before having to cancel and repost. Fortunately the deposit is so small, its still worth it.This won't work if you happen to get a "Goblin" on your server. They love to drive the prices down. Fortunately i'm not very hardcore about the AH so I just stop posting for a while.

Epic Offhands. The epic offhands are still useful as starter Epics for a lot of magic-using classes. They sell decently, one at a time.

Cloth cooldowns. Make them on every cooldown, and specialize in one of the cloth types. This will be removed in 3.3.3 so do them now, and sell the cloth.

Netherweave Bags. Check the price of bags, then check the price of a stack of Netherweave cloth. Add the cost of Rune thread to the price of a stack of Netherweave. Thats how you know if they're worth making. Usually I can make 2-3g a piece. I post about 6-10 at a time.

Personally, I'm a transmutation master. This means that I'm all about transmuting Epic gems. Every epic gem transmute is guranteed to make you SOME gold. If you proc extra gems, then you've just made even more gold.

Potions and Flasks, unless you're specialized in those, are not worth making. The mats most times will cost MORE than you can get for the crafted flask.
Smelt Titansteel. The CD for this will be removed in 3.3.3, which will cause prices to free-fall. Do them, and sell the titansteel now.

This synergizes well with Transmuation Mastery of Alchemy. You make money selling the uncut Gem, but you make even more money if you cut the gem and sell it ready-made. Bold and Runed Cardinal Rubies make a lot of profit.

I have yet to really make gold enchanting scolls with this.The cost of mats and a vellum ( which your Scribe can make for you) ensures a pretty slim profit. You can make a decent amount of gold spamming Trade LFW if you have some indemand recipes.

Goes without saying, grab every herb, node and animal skin you can get while questing or doing daillies. Sell them on the AH. Free money. Why is it free? Cause you were there anyway, you didn't go out and farm them.

You can however, make a decent amount of gold my making Large Prismatic Shards. If you have the Void Shatter pattern from Isle of Quel'Danas, check to see how much a Void Crystal sells for. Then see how much a Large Prismatic is selling for. If its more than half a cost of a Void Crystal then you can make a profit.

End of Guide

That's not to say Onaara didn't level. She was able to gain a quick two levels. She's finally got a second heal (Lesser Healing Wave) and a mana regen spell (Water Shield). Both should help tremendously when healing. In fact Water Shield should be handy even in Enhancement questing. When I ran out of drinks while questing I had no recourse but to sit and wait for Out of combat regen.

Another great perk of reaching level 20 (well 21 since Onaara dinged while in the middle of a long series of quests), was that she now has a mount. A purple Elekk to be precise. Everyone meet Onaara's trusted mount Erin.

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