Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Fiance's 2002 Dodge Neon can no longer go in reverse. I'm afraid that it might be the transmission needing to be replaced. If so that'll be quite an expense. Fiance and I talked about just getting a new car.

1. New Car
2. We've been needing a truck/SUV, it'd be nice to be able to actually haul stuff.
3. Putting money towards a new car, instead of putting it towards keeping an old one running.

1. Way more expensive
2. Payments again, which would mean we'd be paying 2 car payments and a new mortgage. Not fun.
3. She loves her neon.

Eventually we decided that having 2 car payments and a mortgage would be all kinds of stupid so we're going to be getting Neon repaired. Some of our friends have had transmissions replaced before and there are cheap ways of getting it done. I'm just hoping its not terribly expensive.

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