The past few days I've been receiving that error whenever I've tried to queue up on the Dungeon Finder. I finally figured out that though I HAD discovered Throne of Tides and Blackrock Caverns, I still needed to discover The Stonecore before DF would let me queue. Yesterday I discovered it, and got brave. I queued up as DPS or Healer.
About 10 minutes later the DF pops and I'm notified that I will be a healer for an "Already in progress" dungeon. To me this was a bad start, as there are quite a few disadvantages to being matched into a dungeon thats already started.
1. Less loot, since they're already killed mobs and bosses then there's less chance for loot you.
2. Ditto as #1 for XP. Less mobs killed, less xp.
3. There's a good chance that the reason they need to REPLACE a healer is because the previous healer got fed up with their shinaniggans.
This was the experience I had in this dungeon. It had almost EVERY stereotype DF fail-group personality. The gogogog rogue, the hunter that "accidentally" pulls more mobs, and the tank that loved BIG pulls. Here's how it went down.
I zone in to the dungeon and switch specs/gear. As I'm switching I call out in chat that I've never done this dungeon, so someone may have to explain if there's something complicated I need to worry about. The tank chimes in that its his first time also. This seems like a plus to me, inexperienced tank means he might be more cautios. Rogue immediatly pipes in and says "gogogo" (-100 for him). I guess the tank pulls, and they fight a pack of mobs. I say I "guess" because I'm still at the front of the instance running towards them, while they're somewhere in the middle. They last a little while, tank dies, then the rogue, then the pally. Hunter feign's death.
Tank asks in chat "heals?".
I reply "Still in the front of the instance, I just zoned in".
Tank replies, "Then why did someone say gogogo?"
Surprisingly the rogue speaks up and apologizes ( +1 for him ), then asks if he can be rezzed ( -1 for him ). I rez him and the tank, and we buff up and eat/drink.
The rogue then says "gogogo" again.
I reply "Jeez, chill", since one of the DPS is still running back, as her body was too close to the mobs for a safe rez.
We were making decent progress, so I decide to stick with it. In the room before Ozruk, where there are 4-5 groups of mobs pretty closely packed. The tank decides that he'll tank one group of mobs where they were, but not before waiting until a patrol comes by so that he can get them both. That was annoying but nothing I couldn't handle. This is when the hunter decides to tab-target once too much and pulls ANOTHER group. Unfortunately they're ranged so the tank can't just taunt. I end up having to run over to the mobs, stun them, and then line of sight them over the tank, and hope that the tank notices and hits a thunderclap. At some point in the fight another group is pulled. I'm healing like mad, bubbling the DPS, throwing out Light of Dawn on CD. Eventually we live, but not before I was completely OOM. The DPS are cheering, and I just put one phrase in the chat.
"Smaller pulls please."
We did down the rest of the bosses, so I can't really consider the group a fail-group, it certainly wasn't relaxing. I did the same dungeon again, but this time with the guild and it was much smoother. The tank did die once, because I got line-of-sighted in the Ozruk fight with the falling rocks. Other than that smooth sailing.
The guild then 4-manned Blackrock Caverns. I think we've 4-manned every dungeon available to us so far ( except The Vortex Pinnacle, we've never been in there). The dungeons are certainly doable, and having one less DPS just makes the fights last a bit longer.
Keep in mind this is all on Normal difficulty as we level up. I'm sure it'll be much different once we hit Heroics.
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