Friday, December 13, 2013

[Server Fame] Current State of Machines

So every now and then I put up an update on my never-ending-collection of computers. Near as I can figure, this is whats up.

25Mhz 286/386
Retired, donated. I just didn't have the room to keep it any longer.

200Mhz Pentium Pro w/MMX
Retired, donated. I just didn't ahve the room to keep it any longer

350Mhz Pentium 3 Laptop
Retired, waiting to be donated. I don't have room for it, but I haven't got around to donating it yet.

1.4Ghz Athlon T-bird. 768MB RAM, 2.25TB
Retired. Still in box. It is still viable, and works well. Considered giving it to my parents and having them have a server at home. That might have been the plan if I didn't get a "new" Core2Duo to become the new main desktop.

2.3Ghz Athlon64 3000+ 3GB RAM, 8TB
Currently the main server. Still going strong. Recently had its first hard drive fault. The plan for the future is for it to "retire" and head to my parent's place to serve as their DLNA server, and offsite backup. It won't have a raid when its there, so the load should be quite a bit less. Majority of the space will be on the 2TB external drive.

2.66Ghz Core2Quad E8400 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD, 1TB 7200rpm
Still the "big iron" of the farm. Running strong. Installing the extra 4GB of ram was harrowing, since it seemed to cause instability in the north or southbridge. Was very annoying to diagnose.

Currently running the AirVideo software for streaming to the iOS devices. Also runs the uTorrent software for downloading. Also running PS3 Media Server. Its a backup DLNA server. I still haven't found a software I like as much as MediaTomb, but MediaTomb just isn't doing everything I want it to. Plus squirrel is beefy enough to do live-transcoding, which mostly works.

2.40Ghz Core2Duo E7400, 17" Mobile Workstation. 128GB SSD
One of two laptops I got from a friend. It was missing battery, charger, ram and HD. This laptop even has a Quadro level graphics card. It plays WoW fine, though I don't play that much. It plays hearthstone just fine though. Named after Battlestar Galactica, because its so huge.

2.40Ghz Core2Duo E7400 15" Laptop. 4GB RAM, 750GB 7200RPM
The other of the two laptops I got from a friend. This one is virtually the same as the previous, but with intel integrated graphics, a 15" screen and a 7200rpm HD instead of the SSD. I use it mostly for when I'm out and about. Though lately I've been using it as a server to offload repacking/transcoding duties from Frisket. With Gigabit and SMB mounts, the network lag isn't that bad. Named after the other battlestar, Pegasus.

Codename: Dreadnaught:
2.66Ghz Core2Duo E6700, 4GB of RAM, 300GB 7200RPM
I got this for cheap at work. It came with a Quadro graphics card, but it is faulty so I took ti out. But it has onboard video, which I'm using now, it works fine. Right now I'm planning on migrating the 8TB RAID from frisket to this machine. This will become my main server. Frisket will then be moved to lighter duties at my parent's place. This solves a few of the issues I was trying to figure out with the Pogoplug and PS3.

Haven't decided if I'm going to get a case for it. I want to. The alternative is to transplant frisket into the case from work, and put the Core2Duo into Frisket's Antec 300. The case from work is probably good enough for what my parents need, but if its going to be on 24/7 and it gets super hot where they are.

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