Last night I only had time to run one dungeon. Really I didn't have time for even that, but the night before I didnt' even get to log in so I didn't want to lose out on yet another 2 Emblems of Frost and 3-4 Emblems of Triumph.
I hit the Dungeon Finder ( my new WoW best friend =) ), and within 5 seconds was transported to Caverns of Time: Culling of Stratholme. The group had already killed the first boss. Looking at the clock, and the fact that I've never tanked this dungeon ( and its been months since I DPS'd it), I knew the drake was out of the question. I did my best to catch up with them and start making the pull. First pull on trash and I'm facedown on the ground. Not a good start. I get a battlerez from the druid and slowly ( because I wasn't healed up yet) start gaining back aggro. We finish the pull and I ask the group what happened.
"Dunno, apparently you died" remarked the Paladin healer. Thanks sherlock. Trying to be nice I asked if I was just taking too much damage. "Yeah, when you rush in like that". At this point I'm about ready to drop group, but I figure I'm already in might as weel try to see how they handle a boss.
I continue to pull, keeping a closer eye on when my cooldowns are up and using them much more liberally. We're able to down the two bosses without incident. We get to the gauntlet and everything goes pear-shaped. Arthas dies halfway through so we have to fight our way back to them. Everyone dies at least once, but not at the same time so I guess its not a wipe.
Looking at the DPS meters, its showing that on trash I'm #1 DPS with 1.5k, followed closely by the feral druid, and the dps warrior. Lagging far behind at an embarassing 800dps is the hunter. A check of his gear reveals that he's in mostly blues and a few epics. He should be pulling atleast 1k dps, if not more. The amount of time its taking for mobs to go down seems to confirm that my meters aren't off by too much, if at all.
We get to the final boss, he goes down without too much effort, just longer than usual. As the loot is being handed out, the hunter asks if he can NEED on the epic mail leggings that drop. I say go for it, mainly cause I don't care. He says it won't let him, so I take a look. Its clearly a shaman casteer ( possibly healing ) mail piece. The hunter insisted that the piece was better than what he had. I pointed out that he was giving up 130AP for 80+ Spellpower that he couldn't utilize. At that point I left the group.
Rewind a bit, and when that boss went down, the dungeon was technically complete. At that point I earned the [Looking For Many] Achievement. This involves completing 10 random dungeons and also completing random dungeons with 50 random people. This earned me the title Hotplate the Patient. I feel that with that last pug, I truely earned it.
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