Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tanking Fail

Tanking Fail

Last night was the first time I was called "Fail". Can't say I was too surprised, Anh'kahet: The Old Kingdom is quickly becoming the bane of my tanking-existance. I think its partly because I don't know the instance, only having run it a few times as DPS ( and probably once as healer), coupled with the natural tendency ( probably due to self-preservation instincts) to religously follow the tank wherever he/she may lead.

On a brighter note I was able to get my Tier 9 shoulders for Hotplate. She is now my first toon get Tier 9. Bob, my warlock has a piece of Tier 8 and Hooff the Pally has a complete 2pcT7 for both Retribution and Holy. While Hotplate has the highest piece of iLevel gear, I think that Hooff is still the best geared. Though if I keep running heroics that may change soon as well.

On a related note, because my gear score is steadily climbing, I'm noticing that I'm being paired with DPS and Healers that are more geared. While this may seem like a good thing, I've found that once in a while its a double-edged sword. It seems that for some people, their arrogance is directly proportionate to their gear score. The more geared the DPS, the less tolerant they are of mistakes.

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