Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit + Adobe Air + Tweetdeck

To install Tweetdeck ( or any Adobe Air app) onto Ubuntu is pretty simple, thought of course it requires a few more steps than in Windows or OSX.

Install Adobe Air

1. Get the BINARY (.bin) file for Adobe Air. You can get it from:

Make sure you get the .bin, as the .deb is built for 32-bit (i386) architecture.

2. Find where you downloaded the .bin, and give it execution permission:

chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin

3. Run the .bin


It will ask you a few setup questions, nothing too difficult. The defaults seem to work well for me.

Install Tweetdeck

1. Go to

2. Click on the "Download/Install" now. If everything went well during the AIR installation then it should magically all work.