Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bleeding Edge Hardware + Linux = ???

Not to knock Linux or anything like that, but I just don't get why you would make a hardcore, bleeding edge system... solely to run linux. Before the hate mail begins, please let me explain. Linux is an excellent OS if you

1. Know what you're doing
2. Don't really play many games (DOOM3, etc..)
3. Know what you're doing
4. Have ALOT of time to beat the OS into submission
5. Know what you're doing
6. Enjoy beating the OS into submission
7. Know what you're doing

Linux can fully utilize almost every component on a rig. Faster Proc? Check. Huge LCD? Check, Fast SATA NCQ HD? Check
oodles and oodles of RAM? Doubly check. $650 Video Card? .... umm... there's drivers for it...

That's what I want to know about. By admission most review sites place linux video drivers anywhere from "a step or two behind windows" all the way to "doesn't work, buy a new one". Why spend all that money if the drivers aren't even mature enough to fully utilize it? Also, unless you're running something like Maya or CAD (which if you are, you should probably get a Quadro or workstation class video card for anyway) there's nothing to use all that power. Yay, $650 video card to play... tux racer...

You can always argue that full system utillization is only a dual-boot away, and you'd be right. But what about those that simply refuse to run windows, yet still insist on having bleeding edge components? Enlighten me. Please.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

OSX + +

Here's a little tidbit:

In order to get to launch X11 applications. You need to
set your $DISPLAY variable to ":0.0". In bash this would be:

export DISPLAY=":0.0"

If you leave off the colon, it will NOT work.