Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Our paddling Ironman season ended a few weeks ago. It ended in a bang. We've been medaling in every race we've been in up to now. ( 2x 1st and 2x 3rds ). The last race of the season was Iron Champs here in Mission Bay, San Diego. We had a really good chance of doing well, it was home water, we knew the course, and we were rested. Unfortunately in our hurry, the rigging on Maho'a was done incorrectly, ( the front 'iako's shim was backwards, causing the front of the Ama to be lower than normal). This plus the bad advice SCORA gave ( hug the rocks? Really? ). And some pretty bad conditions ( turbulent water + small channel + way too many canosed ) contributed to a Huli ( capsize). We got out of it ok, there are some crazy pictures that I can repost later.

Now we are winding down our sprint season as well. Up next is 9-mans. I won't be racing because my swimming just isn't good enough for me to be able to jump in and out of the boat. Maybe next year.

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