Sunday, January 12, 2014

[Linux] Pogoplug constant blinking orange light

My pogoplug started blinking orange shortly after I added OptWare to it. Usually the blinking orange signals that its having trouble reading or is currently working on a drive. This is not normal disk read/write.

I found that it had mounted the /opt directory, which is on the thumbdrive and houses the OptWare files. Unmounting this from the web interface fixes the problem ( but the /opt stays mounted on the file system when you SSH in as root).


ghentj said...

Thanks for that info! It's been driving me crazy wondering why my samba modified pogoplugs kept doing this (usb thumb drive boot).

Do you know if there's a way to perform the "eject" function within the startup script (same place that starts the samba service) to avoid the blinking orange light? I've tried umount at the ssh command line, but the web interface keeps it there (assuming that this would still cause the blinking orange error). Trying to see if there's a way to do this on boot, since when the device reboots, the opt device appears again in the web interface (then you have to eject it again).

Ron said...

Sorry, just saw this comment. No I haven't figured that out. I'm assuming that the web interface is controlled entirely from their hwbd daemon. I haven't poked at it enough to know if there's a way to trigger the eject from within linux.