Wednesday, December 08, 2010

[WoW] Cataclysm First Thoughts

WoW. Vashji'r is pretty amazing. The zones are very vibrant, and the story is pretty compelling so far. I haven't actually read quest text since the release of Wrath ( and even then after Grizzly Hill I stopped reading). This is the frst major high level questing I've done Horde side, and it certainly has a different tone than I remember from questing Alliance. I don't know if thats more because of the expansion or something inherent in the way Horde quests are. I guess I'll find out when I take one of my alliacen toons through Vashji'r also.


The mobs are much heartier than Wrath mobs, by a lot. They hit harder and have much more HP. Take this example, while doing daillies in Icecrown for the Argent Tournament, Hooff had to kill those Twillight Disciples ( or equivalent). Hooff almost always two shot, and at times one-shot those mobs. In Vashji'r Hooff will get through the rotation at least twice before the mob goes down. get 3-4 of the mobs together and I actually have to pay attention and heal myself. A few times I've had to bubble to keep from dying. To be honest, I'm liking it. It really makes you feel like you're going somewhere savage, seeing the change in the mobs.


I actually missed out on quite a few skillups because I mistakenly went to Vashji'r BEFORE training up my professions to Illustrious. After hearthing back to Orgrimmar to train my professions I've been keeping an eye out for herbs, as well as skinning anything I can. An unfortunate change is that turning scraps of savage leather into a whole piece of leather now requires a leatherworking ( as opposed to wrath where scraps of borean leather could be combined by anyone).

I'm also selling anything and everything from Vashji'r I can. Learning from my mistakes in Wrath, I'm not stockpiling anything. The thing that seems to sell the best so far is the Embersilk ( Cata equivalent of Frostweave ) cloth. Any and all cloth I put on the AH is snapped up within 5 minutes. The herbs I've gathered are also fetching a pretty penny, though much slower. In Wrath I hoarded everything, so that I would have something to use later. This time I'm going to simply sell everything while the prices are high. Then in a week or two I'll get what I need off the AH for much less, to level whatever professions I want to level.


Estimates from WoWInsider said that epic (ilvl 254 ish ) gear should last you well into level 82-83. Either my gear was substandard ( Hooff is in full T10 for Ret, and T9 for Holy ), or their estimates were way off. I've already replaced 3-4 pieces of gear from green quest rewards. It hurts a little to replace a hard one epic with a quest green, but the sheer crazyness of the stats softens the blow a bit.


Since transferring to a PVP server, I've wondered when I would encounter this mythical ganking everyone has been talking about. Up to now I hadn't really been affected by it. Once or twice I would get killed randomly by a passing Alliance on one of my baby triplet casters, but they were few and far between.

With the proximity Alliance and Horde toons were questing in Vashji'r, I was expecting quite a bit more ganking. I think it was the scenery, and the immersiveness of the quests but the factions tended to leave each other alone. At least in the beginning. In the first quest hub the only world PVP that happened was when one toon would use an AOE that would hit a nearby member of the opposing faction. The injured enemy would retaliate and one of them would die. They would rez and be on their merry way. This happened to me once or twice, sometimes it was my fault, sometimes not.

By the second or third quest hub, the PVP picked up a bit. There were actually one or two people working together to kill members of the opposing faction. Still, these didn't last long and people weren't inconvenienced in any major way.

I did find that I am truely horrible as PVP DPS. Part of this was because I tried to Bubble + Lay on Hands, which I found later is no longer possible. Lay on Hands causes, and checks for Forberance.

Other toons:

I did briefly log into my Alliance toons on my old server. I got each of the high level toons Azeroth flying ( 250g, a bargain). I spent a few minutes flying around Stormwind. Its amazing how expansive Stormwind really is. You can't really get a scope of it until you're flying over it. Overall it looks amazing.

I'm not sure when or if I'll ever really level my alliance toons. I'm sure I will eventually, but no idea about a time frame. As for if I'll transfer another character, I'm not sure on that either. I guess it'll depend on how well the guild holds up to raiding. I don't want to transfer a toon and have the guild dry up.


So far I'm really enjoying the story, and taking it slower than I did in Wrath. Hooff is a quarter of a bubble away from level 81, but I was too tired last night "power through it".

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