Friday, December 03, 2010

[WoW IC] Nuiitari Origin

Adventurer's Log, Journeyman Warlock, Nuiitari

Day 37

Well I arrived in Silvermoon yesterday. Luni came to meet me at the gates. Its a good thing I dismissed Jhuutom before I was in sight of the gate. He was not happy about that, but he's bound to my will, whether he likes it or not. Of course that doesn't prevent him from fighting it. I'm still getting used to asserting my dominion over this new demon, I only first summoned him a week ago. In fact I'm still getting used to controlling all the demons. The Imp is the most annoying, I think he's incapable of shutting up. The voidwalker has been the most... subdued. He's quiet and does as he's told, though I still have to be on my guard, lest I become the minion. The Felguard, Jhuutom or Jhu for short is my newest demon. The Warlock that trained me in summoning him mentioned that its only recently that they've found a way to enable Journeymen Warlocks to summon demon as powerful as a Felguard. Previously you had to be at least an Artisan Warlock to be able to summon such a demon. As the price paid for summoning a felguard at this level, the demon itself is weakend quite a bit. But I was assured that as my power grew, so would all my demons.

It seems strange to write those words now. Just hardly two months ago I was studying to be a Blood Mage back in Sunstrider Isle. That all changed when in a fit of rage, I unconciously summoned . That was startiling to say the least, for the both of us. It was a good thing we were in a semi-deserted courtyard, or else there would have been quite a bit of damage. Magus Sunstriker sheeped the Imp, then blinked away. She blink back again a few seconds later, with Summoner Teli'Larien in tow. Magus Sunstriker removed the sheep spell and Summoner Teli'Larien cast some sort of control spell on the demon, and banished it. Teli'Larien looked at me for a second, nodded to Sunstriker and walked towards her office. Magus Sunstriker motioned for me to follow them, quickly.

The Magus and the Summoner then explained to me that I had a natural connection to the twisting nether. Having an untrained magic-user summon a demon fully, is very rare. Thats when they asked me if I would consider becoming a Warlock. I'd never considered being a Warlock. In idle conversation, Warlocks were regarded as Magi who couldn't resist the temptation of the arcane, and delved too deeply in the darker arts of shadow.

Summoner Teli'Larien said that while Warlocks are more plentiful now than in days past, there are still far fewer Warlocks than Magi. Warlocks are no longer merely fallen Magi, there are students who choose to train to become a Warlock from the start. She did caution me that the way of the Warlock is both thankless, and not for the weak willed. The only thing keeping your dominion over the demons is your force of will. Not only do you have to keep dominion over a demon at all times, you have to keep dominion over 5, at the same time.

The one question I asked her was, is a Warlock inherently more powerful than a Mage. Summoner Teli'Larien cracked a crooked smile and simply replied "No, we're just meaner".

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