Tuesday, January 11, 2011

iPhone4 on Verizon

Verizon announced today that the iPhone4 is coming to its network. I'm mildly interested in it because recently I've been somewhat annoyed with ATT's business practices. The most annoying being the change from "unlimited" data to "3GB" limit, for no other reason than just because they can. While I understand that the majority of iPhone users probably don't even approach 3GB, its the fact that we were able to get unlimited before, but now we can't, simply because ATT changed their minds. Thats crap.

Another annoying thing is tethering. They want to charge extra for tethering. So basically they want me to pay an extra monthly fee so that I can use the bandwidth that I've ALREADY PAID FOR. Thats also crap.

Verizon's iPhone4 is playing up that it has mobile hotspot built in. This has been available for a long time on jailbroken iPhone's via MyWi. Not exactly a game changer but still nicer to have it built in rather than having to hack your phone. Of course there will be an extra charge.

When my contract is up I'll have two decisions to make. Whether to stay with ATT or hop to Verizon, and whether to stay on the iPhone train, or jump ship to Android.

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